Yakult for Distemper? My Dog's Experience When He Almost Died Due to Canine Distemper

Yakult for Distemper in Dogs: Real Life Experience

As responsible pet owners, we always look for new ways to keep our dogs healthy and happy. With the rising popularity of probiotic products like Yakult, a question has emerged - could this probiotic beverage hold the key to combating canine distemper?

We will examine the current scientific evidence, explore the role of probiotics in canine health, and look back at how Yakult helped my dog survive when he had canine distemper years ago.

What is Canine Distemper?

What is Canine Distemper? - We Care For Dogs

Canine distemper is a fatal and highly contagious viral disease affecting dogs and other Canidae family members, such as foxes, wolves, and raccoon dogs.

The condition is caused by the canine distemper virus (CDV), which belongs to the Morbillivirus genus. It primarily spreads from infected animals through respiratory secretions, such as coughing or sneezing.

The virus attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems, leading to many symptoms. Early signs of canine distemper may include fever, nasal discharge, coughing, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

As the disease progresses, dogs may develop more severe symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, thickened footpads, and eye and nose discharge. Neurological symptoms may also occur, leading to twitching, seizures, and muscle tremors.

Puppies and unvaccinated dogs are most vulnerable to contracting distemper. While there is no specific cure for canine distemper like any other virus, supportive care can help manage the symptoms and improve the dog's chances of recovery.

Prevention is crucial, and vaccination is the most effective method to protect dogs from this devastating viral disease. Regular veterinary check-ups and adherence to vaccination schedules are essential to safeguarding the health of our beloved canine companions.

How Can I Save My Dog from Distemper?

How Can I Save My Dog with Distemper from Dying - We Care For Dogs

Saving your dog from distemper involves a combination of preventive measures and timely, appropriate medical intervention if the dog gets infected.

Here are some ways how to save your dog from distemper:


Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent distemper in dogs. Puppies should receive vaccinations, starting at 6-8 weeks, with booster shots every few weeks until they reach 16 weeks.

Adult dogs should receive regular booster shots to maintain their immunity. Your veterinarian will recommend the appropriate vaccination schedule based on your dog's age, health, and lifestyle.

Avoid Exposure to Infected Animals

Canine distemper is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory secretions from infected animals. Avoid allowing your dog to come near stray or unvaccinated dogs and wild animals that can carry the virus, such as raccoons and foxes. Keep your dog away from places with known outbreaks of distemper.

Maintain Good Hygiene

Practice good hygiene measures to reduce the risk of transmission. Clean your dog's food and water bowls regularly, wash your hands after handling other dogs, and disinfect surfaces that may have come into contact with infected animals.

Provide a Healthy Diet

A balanced and nutrient-rich diet is crucial in maintaining your dog's immune system. A strong immunity can help your pet fight infections, including distemper. Consult your trusted veterinarian to determine the best diet for your dog's age and health status.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular consultations with a veterinarian are essential for monitoring your dog's overall health and ensuring they are up-to-date with vaccinations. Your vet can also detect any early signs of illness, providing an opportunity for early intervention.

Recognize Early Symptoms

Familiarize yourself with the early signs of distemper, such as fever, coughing, nasal discharge, and lethargy. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Isolate Infected Dogs

If a distemper is suspected or confirmed in your dog or another dog in your household, isolate the infected dog to prevent the spread of the virus to other pets. Consult with your vet on how to care for the infected dog and to avoid transmission.

Provide Supportive Care

There is no specific cure for distemper, but supportive care can alleviate the symptoms and give the dog's immunity a better chance to fight off the infection. Supportive care may include maintaining hydration, proper nutrition, controlling fever, and treating secondary conditions.

What Probiotics Treat Distemper in Dogs?

Probiotics for Distemper in Dogs - We Care For Dogs

According to the National Library of Medicine, the researchers at the Animal Hospital of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Uruguay observed a beneficial effect of L. murinus LbP2 on the clinical condition of dogs with distemper, suggesting that the probiotic might exert its effects on the intestinal barrier and immunity.

In a previous study, the researchers demonstrated that this particular strain significantly increased the production of enteric IgA, indicating its potential to modulate the immune response. Consequently, it is plausible that the probiotic also plays a role in mitigating enteric inflammation, thereby enhancing nutrient absorption and contributing to appetite stimulation and food intake.

Considering all these factors and the study's outcomes, using probiotics shows promise as a viable approach to managing diarrhea, especially in cases associated with canine distemper.

Feeding my Dog with Distemper Yakult Every Four Hours

My Dog with Canine Distemper - We Care For Dogs

As I mentioned in my post seven years ago, I fed my dog Yakult every 4 hours when he suffered from distemper. We decided to add Yakult to his home treatment because he also had diarrhea as one of the virus' symptoms.

However, Yakult was not the only thing we gave while my dog fought for his life. We were force-feeding him Hydrite, Enervon C, the antibiotics prescribed by the vet, and pure meat (not sawdust meat).

After more than a week, my dog recovered. Unfortunately, canine distemper left him with tremors of the head that stayed until his last breath the following year after one of our neighbors poisoned him.

Yakult for Distemper: Conclusion

Yakult for Distemper: How I Saved My Dog

While you may often hear that Yakult for Distemper is effective, you should never use it as a medicine to treat your dog. Like I did for my dog, I only gave him Yakult to manage the diarrhea he got as one of the canine distemper's symptoms.

It is still best to consult a veterinarian for the best course of action in managing distemper and follow their guidance on supportive care and appropriate treatment. After all, antibiotics are still the best shot for treating such conditions.

By taking proactive steps in vaccination, hygiene, and regular veterinary check-ups, pet owners can ensure the well-being of their canine companions and minimize the risk of canine distemper and other infectious diseases.


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