Life Lessons We Can All Learn by Having a Dog

life lessons from dogs

Dogs are lovely, furry, warm, and cuddly. They are our companions and often become our best friends. We are drawn to their personalities, wagging tails, and friendly dispositions. Through the years of owning a dog, they grow, and we grow with them. Often, they teach us valuable lessons as we grow together. Having a dog can really change your perspective. All we need to do is observe them and be mindful of our interactions with them.

Should You Give Your Dog Dental Chews?

dog dental chews

We are constantly reminded, whether at the dentist, in magazines, online, or on television, about the importance of having healthy teeth and gums. If you have ever seen adverts for doggy dental chews and wondered if looking after your dog's teeth is essential or if the adverts are lying to sell products, the answer is yes. Yes, you need to take care of your dog's teeth because they can also suffer from periodontal disease (otherwise known as gum disease).


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