10 Things to Consider Before Getting a Dog

10 Things to Consider Before Getting a Dog

While owning a dog sounds fun, there's much more to it. Aside from time, you also need to invest money, effort, and patience. If you're not prepared enough to meet the demands of dog ownership, there's a good chance you'll regret ever bringing the idea up in the first place. 

To ensure you don't reach that point, remember a few things before bringing that playful ball of fur home.

am i prepared for a dog
1. Am I prepared for this?

Taking care of a dog is a lifetime commitment. Some breeds can live for as long as 15 years. That means 15 years of feeding, grooming, walking, and running around with your dog. If these things don't mean fun to you, then it's best to cross out the idea.

can i afford to have a dog
2. Can I afford it?

Owning a dog entails costs. Aside from food, you must ensure your dog is always healthy and well-groomed. You may also need to spend a few bucks on treats, bedding, and training. Here are some tips on how to afford quality pet products and services from Dealhack.

do i have time for my dog
3. Do I have time?

Time is one of the essential things both growing puppies and adult dogs need. Since your dog will generally rely on you for most of his needs, like food, exercise, and grooming, you must be constantly available. Owning a dog might not work if you have work that consumes most of your day.

is my place good enough for dogs
4. Is my place good enough?

Before you get a dog, assessing your home first is wise. Getting a large breed dog might not be a good idea if you live in a small apartment. It won't only compromise his health, but you'll also put your furniture and personal belongings at risk for irreversible damage once he gets bored.

dog waiting for owner
5. Will it fit my lifestyle?

Having a dog at home may mean a few restrictions in your social life. Dog ownership is proper for you if you can imagine going home after work and being okay with missed dates and gatherings. There are, however, alternatives, such as dog daycare facilities and dog nannies, if leaving home is inevitable. You have to take note that these services can also be costly.

6. What dog breed should I get?

Take time to know what breed fits your home and your personality. Dogs differ in traits and characteristics. Some dogs may prefer lying around all day, while dogs like those hunting breeds tend to wander around the neighborhood.


family and dog

7. Is my family ready for a dog?

Dogs can take up a lot of space and energy at home. In case you aren't living alone, make sure to ask everyone's opinion first. If someone in the family isn't up to having a dog running around, it can cause relationship problems.

adopt a dog
8. Will you adopt or buy your dog?

Adoption has its pros and cons. For one, adoption gives a dog a new chance at living. However, you must prepare to adjust or control his issues since he has a history. If you decide to get your dog from a local breeder, ensure the breeder has high-quality standards in breeding and isn't a backyard puppy miller.

9. Is the climate in your area suitable for dogs?

The climate isn’t necessarily a strict factor that can prevent you from getting a dog. However, small breeds are at an increased risk for heat stroke, and you may want to consider how warm or cold it is in your place before getting a cute chihuahua.

getting a dog
10. Why do you want to get a dog?

There could be several reasons why you want to get a dog. It could be for security, companionship, or even therapeutic benefits. Knowing and understanding your motivations can help you narrow your choices while increasing your chances of finding the right fit.

Are you ready to get a dog? What other considerations do you have in mind?



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